
The decision-making body of the Foundation is the Board of Directors, which is composed of 10-25 directors. The directors’ term of office is 4 years. After the term of office expires, they can be re-elected. The President takes responsibilities to convene and preside over the meeting twice a year. The Board of Supervisors consists of 3-10 supervisors, whose term of office is the same as that of Board of Directors, and similarly, they can be re-elected after the expiration of the term. The Board of Supervisors serves as the supervisory body of the Foundation, which is responsible for checking the financial and accounting materials of the foundation and supervising the compliance of the committee with laws and regulations of Association. The supervisors shall attend the meetings of the Board of Directors and have the right to raise questions and suggestions, and shall report related situation to the registration and administration authority, business units, tax department and accounting authorities.