Businese Circle

Zhu Yuanyuan


Zhu Yuanyuan was born in 1957 in Nantong,  Jiangsu Province. He entered the former NantongMedicalCollege in 1976, and is currently the chairman and general manager of the Baimaco Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

He worked for the Clontech Lab in the United States. He has been a researcher and director of the research office and a biotechnology consultant at the University  of Georgia. He is currently the vice chairman of the China Pharmaceutical and Biotechnological Council, editorial committee member of “China Pharmaceutical Yearbook”, and vice president of the Nantong City Overseas Exchange Association.

He was a discovered talent through “Jiangsu Province High-level Entrepreneurship and Innovation Talent Introduction Program”, and was granted the title of JiangsuProvince Top Ten Entrepreneurs as Overseas Chinese, Jiangsu Province Advanced Individual as Overseas Graduates from Abroad. He has been working on national, provincial, and municipal science and technology projects, and won numerous science and technology progress awards at ministry, provincial, and municipal levels. He is a national special expert recognized by the national Thousand Talents Program.