
Prof. Chen Gang’s Team Progresses in Chronic Pain Research


Recently, the team led by Prof. Chen Gang from the School of Medicine made their research results published respectively in Brain Behavior and Immunity, the world-renowned journal of neuroimmunology and Pain,famous for the study of pain, with one paper entitled Schwann cell-derived CXCL2 contributes to cancer pain by modulating macrophage infiltration in a mouse breast cancer model, and the other entitled HAP1 inhibition contributes to neuropathic pain by suppressing Cav1.2 activity and attenuating inflammation. The two academic papers were published with Nantong University as the first employer and Prof. Chen as the corresponding author.

The journalBrain Behavior and Immunity was founded in 1987. It is categorized into Q-1 in CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences) and JCR (Journal Citation Reports) with an impact factor of 19.227. The journal Pain, founded in 1975, is categorized into Q-1 in CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences) and JCR (Journal Citation Reports), with an impact factor of 7.926.

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